*Please note that this announcement/opportunity has been extended through midnight ET on July 7, 201 4.
Please also note that all notes from the YALI RLC Consultative Meeting on June 10, 2014 are now posted with this notice.
This Announcement is a call to submit Partnership
Concept papers that focus on establishing Regional Leadership Centers under President Obamas Young African Leaders Initiative.
*Please note that this is being posted as a separate opportunity with reference to USAID's Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Global Development Alliance Annual Program Statement (APS) No.:
APS-OAA-14-00000 1. USAIDs Africa Bureau plans to support the establishment of approximately five YALI Regional Leadership Centers to enhance leadership and training opportunities in Africa and better leverage over $350 million in ongoing USAID youth programs and initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa.
Regional Leadership Centers will be public-private partnerships structured as Global Development Alliances (GDAs) that serve as a cost-effective means of leveraging capabilities and interests of the private sector and other organizations.