Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services (NANH) grants support Indian tribes and organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians.
They are intended to provide opportunities to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge through strengthened activities in areas such as
exhibitions, educational services and programming, professional development, and collections stewardship.
Agency: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Office: None
Estimated Funding: $924,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Not Available
Additional Information of Eligibility:To be eligible for an award under this NANH notice of funding opportunity, you must be: 1) an Indian tribe or 2) an organization that primarily serves and represents Native Hawaiians.
For the purpose of funding under this program, “Indian tribe” means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska native village, regional corporation, or village corporation (as defined in, or established pursuant to, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C.
1601 et seq.)), which is recognized by the Secretary of the Interior as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
A list of eligible entities is available from the Bureau of Indian Affairs .For purposes of funding under this program, an “organization that primarily serves and represents Native Hawaiians” is any nonprofit organization that primarily serves and represents Native Hawaiians, as defined in 20 U.S.C.
§ 7517.
In order for a museum to be eligible, it must demonstrate that it is established as an organization that meets this statutory eligibility criteria.
Full Opportunity Web Address: Sandra Narva, Senior Program Officer, 202.653.4634
Agency Email Description:
Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2016-09-08
Application Due Date: 2016-12-01
Archive Date: 2016-12-31