This announcement is for US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Region 6, Mountain Prairie Region, FY 2008 Migratory Bird Project Support for the conservation of bird species.
Special emphasis will be placed on bird species listed in USFWS conservation and management priorities (e.g.
/>regional USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern 2008, Focal Species list, etc.).
Implementing focal species and national, regional, flyway, Bird Conservation Region, and state-level bird conservation plans (e.g., Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan (, U.
Shorebird Conservation Plan (, North American Waterbird Conservation Plan (, North American Waterfowl Management Plan (, and State Wildlife Action Plans) are among the Service's highest priorities.
Projects related to the priorities identified in these plans will receive the greatest funding consideration.
Projects should address one or more of the following activities:
a) Population surveys and monitoring to determine the status, trends, and distribution of bird species and groups of concern.
Emphasis will be placed on landscape-level applications; b) Applied research, including, but not limited to, studies of habitat requirements, best management practices, limiting factors, and population responses to habitat conservation activities; development of new monitoring techniques and programs for poorly-surveyed species; and modeling bird/habitat relationships to identify bird habitat focus areas; c) Compilation of technical information, such as status reviews of bird species of concern, development of habitat management and restoration guidelines, and other outreach and education tools.
Habitat management projects per se are generally not covered under this program.
The Region 6 Migratory Bird Program staff reviews and approves project proposals and their associated budget upon receipt of a completed application.
Decisions on funding a proposal are usually made no later than 180 days after receipt of the proposal.
However, funding opportunities may present themselves at a later opportunity at which time projects may be reconsidered.
Projects will be reviewed to determine how well they address the migratory bird program priorities outlined above, including relevance to bird conservation plan priorities, conservation and management priority species, and the bird conservation activities listed above.
Projects will also be evaluated for their biological and statistical soundness, feasibility, geographic scope of applicability, and cost effectiveness.
Projects may also be evaluated and reviewed by outside sources, including but not limited to other appropriate federal staff at national and regional levels, state and local government employees, and other individuals with project area expertise, before selection is approved, to insure cost effectiveness, biological and statistical methodology, and feasibility.
Although cost sharing and funding match are not a requirement, projects involving partners from other agencies and organizations who provide matching funds, in-kind services, materials, and equipment may be given greater consideration for funding than similar projects that do not include partner resources.
Application packets are accepted throughout the fiscal year (1 Oct 30 Sept) and are reviewed upon receipt.
Projects with a proposed start date prior to 1 May should be received prior to 1 March to allow for adequate decision and processing time.
Once a proposal is accepted and mutually agreed upon deliverables and funding are approved, a formal agreement is written.
Upon signing of the agreement by both parties, work may begin.
Based upon the USFWS Program Officer determination, some agreements may be issued with a period of performance of up to five years.
Subject to availability of funds, funding on some agreements may be increased during the life of the agreement.