The Black Duck Joint Venture (BDJV) is a partnership-based conservation program of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan that promotes the conservation of Black Ducks by providing scientific knowledge for effective management.
The U.
Fish and Wildlife Service, a partner
of the BDJV, administers grants and cooperative agreements on a competitive basis for projects and studies that advance both our, and the general scientific community's understanding of Black Duck ecology, and is seeking research proposals from interested parties.
The BDJV will accept proposals addressing any aspect of black duck ecology and management, but proposals that address priority research needs (see full announcement) will have a greater probability of funding.
To be competitive for funding proposals should include both cash match and in-kind support.
Content and Form of Application:
A complete application package will include the following components:
project proposal, 2.
Standard Form (SF) 424, 3.
Standard Form 424a, and 4.
Standard Form 424b.
Successful applicants must be registered with the U.
Department of Treasury and have a current DUNS number to receive official grant.