Phase II must expand on the results of and further pursue the development of the Phase I project.
Phase II is the principal research or research and development effort.
It requires a more comprehensive application than the Phase I application and must outline the effort in detail
including its commercial potential.
Because SBIR Phase II applications are limited to a subset of the Phase I applicants, no Funding Opportunity synopsis will be posted on
You will only be able to search for the Phase II application package on APPLY using the Funding Opportunity number ED-GRANTS-052914-00 1.
Eligible Applicants:
Entities that are, at the time of award, small business concerns as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA).
This definition is included in the application package.
If it appears that an applicant organization does not meet the eligibility requirements, we will request an evaluation by the SBA.
Under circumstances in which eligibility is unclear, we will not make an SBIR award until the SBA makes a determination that the applicant is eligible under its definition of small business concern.
All technology, science, or engineering firms with strong research capabilities in any of the priority areas listed in this notice are encouraged to participate.
Consultative or other arrangements between these firms and universities or other non-profit organizations are permitted, but the small business concern must serve as the grantee.
For Phase I projects, at least two-thirds of the research and/or analytic activities must be performed by the proposing small business concern grantee.