The purpose of this APS is to disseminate the information necessary to enable prospective applicants to apply for USAID awards using OFDA International Disaster Assistance and FFP Title II emergency resources.
The aim is to support a well-coordinated emergency water, sanitation and hygiene
(WASH) and nutrition rapid response capacity that can be triggered to respond to acute emergencies in vulnerable areas of Ethiopia, to ensure linkages between WASH and nutrition programs, and to provide specialized nutrition commodities as part of a community management of acute malnutrition package (CMAM).
Prospective applicants will also be expected to address how proposed projects will ensure continuous monitoring and analysis of the humanitarian situation and immediately respond to acute emergencies via direct implementation or disbursement of small grants.
Agency: Agency for International Development
Office: None
Estimated Funding: $
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Not Available
Additional Information of Eligibility:The following types of organizations may apply for USAID funding under this APS:1.
Eligible Partners.
A private voluntary organization (PVO) or cooperative that is, to the extent practicable, registered with the USAID Administrator.
Registration is preferred; however, unregistered applicants may apply.
a) A PVO is a U. S. private voluntary organization, international private voluntary organization or a local private voluntary organization as defined in 22 CFR 203.2.
and as described in the Private Voluntary Organization Conditions of Registration on the USAID website.
b) A PVO includes U. S. and non-U. S. nonprofit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs): (a) as defined in Section 402 of the Food for Peace Act; (b) as described in the PVO Conditions of Registration on the USAID website; and (c) in accordance with ADS 303.2.
Non-eligible Partners.
USAID will not accept applications from, or provide resources to individuals, public international organizations, foreign governments, parastatal organizations, or U. S. Government departments and agencies.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact:
Agency Email Description: Please send all correspondence and submissions to
Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2017-04-14
Application Due Date: 2017-10-13
Archive Date: 2017-11-12