This program is authorized in accordance with Part 1 of the Foreign Assistance act of 1961, as amended.Through this Addendum to the FY 2014 and FY 2015 Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) No.
APS-OAA-14-000001 (the GDA APS), USAID/Middle East is making a special
call for the submission of Concept Papers focused on the Middle East Water Security Initiative (MWSI).
The goal of the MWSI is to improve sustainable, long-term access to water for up to 20 million people living in the Middle East.
The MWSI will target Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank/Gaza, and Yemen and promote sharing of best practices and lessons learned among the five participating countries.
To achieve its bold but doable goal, MWSI will engage both international and local actors from the private sector, civil society, public sector, and other organizations to (a) support dynamic young entrepreneurs, researchers, and consumers with opportunities to develop, test, scale-up and market “water-smart” technologies; and (b) increase awareness of and local ability to address water security challenges in the Middle East through behavior change and advocacy campaigns.