This funding opportunity is ONLY available for Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units in the Desert Southwest CESUregion & North Atlantic Coast CESU region.
Must be a non-federal partner in the CESU Units listed above to be qualified to be considered.Project Title:
Resource Support at Fort CarsonResponses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potentialinvestigators for a project to be funded by Fort Carson, which provides professional andtechnical support for its Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) in order tofacilitate successful implementation of the 16 USC 670c-1 Sikes Act.
Approximately$180,56 3. 00 is available to support the base tasks associated with this project for the base period.Additional funding may be available for the two optional tasks.NOTE:
Attached to this document you will find a DRAFT Statement of Objectives for yourreference only.
Again, at this time we are only requesting that you demonstrate availablequalifications and skills for performing similar or same type of work.
A full study proposal andproposed budget are NOT requested at this time.Brief Description of Anticipated Work:This research focuses on the following objectives:1) Acoustic Monitoring:
To get more robust data on species presence, abundance and diversityat different bat habitat types across the military landscape, acoustic recording boxes shallcontinue to be deployed at Fort Carson (FC) and Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS) inareas of high bat use within different habitat types.
Additionally, at mine entrances/exits,acoustic loggers shall be placed to capture species presence and movements, temporally andspatially, within the mine systems.2) Capture – Bat Netting and Roost Monitoring:
Bat netting/capture events shall continue to beconducted at each of the acoustic recording sites to provide more robust data providing anassessment of bat species diversity, reproductive status, WNS scarring records, and agedistribution on FC and PCMS.
Monitoring shall provide insight to the assemblage of speciesthat occur in these areas.3) Telemetry:
A telemetry component shall provide an assessment of bat foraging behavior andpotential roosting locations for rare species of FC and PCMS.4) Bat Habitat Investigation and Surveys:
Mines outside of the Stone City mine complex shallbe searched for new openings and the mine systems surveyed.
Mine investigation shalldetermine bat use.
Further roosting habitat searches shall be completed in areas across FCand PCMS where roosting habitat exists, such as rock cliff faces, etc.5) Stone City Mine Complex Schematic and Modification of Mine Gate:
A new Stone Citymine complex schematic shall be completed following mine surveys.
The mine openingwhere the tri-colored bat was captured previously shall be modified from solid impenetrablegrate to a moving gate.6) Habitat Modeling:
Bat species presence/absence habitat models shall be created to providegreater understanding of bat use/occurrence across the FC and PCMS military landscape.For a detailed description please review the RSOI_SOO relateddocuments attached in this posting.Please send responses or direct questions to:USACESandy Justman Contract Specialist CESWF-CTEmail:
817-886-1073Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
Review of Statements ofInterest will begin 12 APRIL 202 0.