Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units in the Colorado Plateau CESU region & Great Plains CESU region.Note:
Must be a non-federal partner in the CESU Units listed above to be qualified to be considered.Project Title:
Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) Support at Fort PolkResponses
to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded byFort Polk, which provides professional and technical support for its Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP)in order to facilitate successful implementation of the 16 USC 670c-1 Sikes Act.
Approximately $3,863,75 0. 00 is expected to be available(if all tasks are funded) to support this project for the base period.
Additional funding may be available for additional tasks and/or follow on work in subsequentfiscal years to the successful Recipient/Awardee.NOTE:
Attached to this RSOI document you will find a DRAFT Statement of Work for your reference only.
Again, at this time weare only requesting that you demonstrate available qualifications and skills for performing similar or same type of work.A full study proposal and proposed budget are NOT requested at this time.Brief Description of Anticipated Work:This research focuses on the following objectives:1) Provide Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance (LRAM) support by developing anddocumenting in the ITAM Plan, land management objectives that address specific landscapeconditions and mission requirements; identification of repair, maintenance, andreconfiguration projects and detailing those projects as activities in the ITAM Work plan;developing initial/planning level project designs and specifications and documenting thosedesigns and specifications in the ITAM Work plan; coordinating and conducting projectplanning fieldwork with ITAM staff, Range Operations Staff, Home Station and JRTC Units,and Department of Public Works (DPW) personnel (Natural and Cultural Resources,Environmental Compliance, and Real Property); preparing and coordinating projects forNEPA, permits and approvals in cooperation with the DPW; and acquiring and maintainingmaterials, equipment, and supplies.2) Provide geospatial analysis and cartographic (GIS) support with an emphasis on trainingscenario development, hunting area status maps, and training area status maps to RangeOperations personnel; gather and create geospatial data, perform geospatial analysis, anddevelop maps depicting landscape conditions (constraints, alternatives analysis, restrictions,operational overlay, safety/regulatory/stewardship, airspace, and critical infrastructure) forRange Modernization; develop and maintain geospatial data, perform geospatial analysis, andcreate training support cartographic products in support of the Joint Readiness TrainingCenter and unit training; and serve as the site Data Steward for all Sustainable RangeProgram (SRP) proponent geospatial data layers by coordinating all range-related facilitydata with the installation real property office to ensure correct real property attributes areincluded in the geospatial data and real property databases.3) Provide Range Training Land Assessment (RTLA) support will include Assessment Design,which consists of:
1) Delineation of proposed assessment areas using GPS as appropriate andusing GIS software to create maps as needed; 2) Coordination with GIS personnel to ensureassessments are captured and maintained current in the installation GIS database andincluded in the ITAM Plan; 3) Upload maps depicting assessment areas into the ITAM Workplan as part of the complete Work plan activity package; 4) Develop assessmentspecifications that include location and extent (area/dimensions) of the management actionbeing applied, materials and equipment required, and the analysis to be performed oncollected data; 5) Detail assessment specifications in the ITAM Work plan as part of thecomplete Work plan activity package; and 6) Maximize the use of available informationfrom all installation land management programs as applicable.
Assessments will includeTraining Lands, Maneuver Trails, Training Clearings, Fort Polk Maneuver DamageAssessment (Rotational Training Unit component and Home Station component), andExtreme Weather.4) Provide Sustainable Range Awareness (SRA) through training courses and use of materialssuch as posters, DVDs, logos, maps, field handbooks, and reference cards.
Activities willinclude developing/updating/distributing materials and information for training land userssuch as soldier cards and safety briefings.5) Support Training Requirements Integration (TRI) by facilitating installation training missiongoals through inclusion of environmental compliance requirements, range facilitiesrequirements, and landscape condition requirements in the development of range and trainingland management decisions and the coordination of mission needs with garrison facility andenvironmental plans.
TRI also includes providing decision support by obtaining informationfrom appropriate offices regarding the conditions of ranges and training lands, and providingrecommendations to the installation Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, andSecurity (DPTMS) and ITAM offices on potential impacts and permitting requirements ofrelevant environmental, natural, and cultural resources for the proposed training.
Cooperatoris expected to attend training briefings, land management coordination meetings, and otherrange and training land planning and scheduling meetings; provide written and verbal input,as appropriate, on potential issues; and recommend changes to range and training landschedules.
Cooperator is also expected to coordinate the inclusion of the Range ComplexManagement Plan (RCMP) mission goals and objectives into the installation IntegratedNatural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and subordinate plans, and coordinatemission needs with analysis of the INRMP required by the National EnvironmentalProtection Act (NEPA) to ensure proposed training land management actions are included inthe NEPA approval process.For a detailed description please review the RSOI_SOO related documents attached in this posting.Please send responses or direct questions to:USACESandy Justman Contract Specialist CESWF-CTEmail:
817-886-1073Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
Review of Statements of Interest will begin 11 APRIL 202 0.