WIA, a U.
Air Force installation, is a geographically isolated area approximately 2,247 miles (3,616 km) from the nearest continental mainland (Russia), 6,859 km (4,262 miles) from the U.
mainland, 3,707 km (2,304 miles) west of Honolulu, HI, and 560 km (348 miles) from
its nearest neighbor (Bokak Atoll, Marshall Islands).
It is composed of a group of three coral islands (Wake, Peale, and Wilkes) surrounding a central lagoon.
Like many others in the region, the islands of Wake Atoll were formed by coral reefs growing around a central oceanic (volcanic) island that has since subsided.
What remains above water covers a total land area of 2. 7491 mi2 ( 7. 12km2) or approximately 1,759 acres above mean low water line.