The NETP Program EIRA supports neurotoxin exposure and treatment-related Parkinson’s disease research opportunities for investigators in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of a designated Mentor(s).
The Early Investigator is considered the Principal Investigator (PI)
of the application and must exhibit strong potential for, and commitment to, pursuing a career as an investigator at the forefront of Parkinson’s disease research; however, the PI is not required to have previous Parkinson’s disease research experience.
Applications must include at least one Mentor, appropriate to the proposed research project, who has experience in Parkinson’s disease research and mentoring as demonstrated by a record of active funding, recent publications, and successful mentorship.
The selected Mentor(s) should also demonstrate a clear commitment to the development of the PI toward independence as a neurotoxin exposure and treatment-related Parkinson’s disease researcher.