This Request for Proposals (RFP) announces the availability of funds to establish a new three-year cooperative agreement, for the purposes of planning, developing, and executing the Farm to School Grantee Gathering, an annual three-day face-to-face training for new Farm to School Grant Program awardees,
beginning with the FY 2020 gathering in September 202 0.
The applicant will assist FNS in developing an agenda, planning, and overall management of the Farm to School Grantee Gathering.
FNS expects to fund one competitive cooperative agreement with an award of approximately $150,000 per fiscal year, over a three-year period.
This award is contingent upon the availability of funds.
FNS may fund this project, in whole or in part, without further competition, in this or subsequent fiscal years.
FNS anticipates the period of performance for this project will be three years.The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to:Provide background information and context related to the goals of this funding opportunity;Describe the type of cooperative agreement available;Solicit funding proposals from eligible entities;Describe the requirements for submitting a successful proposal;Describe how applicants will be reviewed and selected; and,Describe the terms and conditions to which the applicant must adhere, including how the funds can be used.FNS intends to select a non-profit organization with established relationships and experience with farm to school stakeholders and farm to school activities.
The selected applicant will also have experience in planning and carrying out large meetings or conferences as well as the capacity to carry out the project goals and objectives.