The goal of RRP is to contribute to the improvement of U.
rangeland resources and the ecosystem services they provide by supporting the development of new and emerging rangeland science methodologies which specifically address the interrelationships between multiple disciplines.
/>The primary purpose of RRP is to provide U.
agricultural producers, rural landowners, and land managers with integrated science strategies to make informed land management decisions with an emphasis on enhancing the restoration and sustainable integrity of rangelands.
Agency: Department of Agriculture
Office: CSREES
Estimated Funding: $940,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Rangeland Research Program - FY 2009 RFA
Additional Information of Eligibility:Pursuant to Section 1480 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977, as amended [7 USC 3333(a)(1)] applications may be submitted by land-grant colleges and universities, State agricultural experiment stations, and colleges, universities, and Federal laboratories having a demonstrable capacity in rangeland research, as determined by the Secretary.
Full Opportunity Web Address: CSREES Help Desk Phone: 202-401-5048 Business hours are M-F, 7:00 am -5:00 pm ET,
Agency Email Description: For questions regarding this RFA.
Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2009-05-26
Application Due Date: 2009-07-07
Archive Date: 2010-02-17