The USAID/Uganda Mission would like to invite you to a workshop to co-create with USAID on its new $3 million Local Priorities and Partnership Activity.
The purpose of the Co-Creation Workshop is to jointly identify and develop the activities with USAID that will achieve the results articulated
in the concept note attached.
The workshop will be held virtually in late October, the exact date will be sent to selected participants at a later date.Each organization is requested to submit a 1-2 page concept note prior to participation in the workshop.
Organizations are asked to nominate no more than two (2) representatives to participate in the workshop.
Your organization is welcome to rotate participation in the workshop, if schedules or other commitments do not permit any one of your allotted two (2) representatives to participate in all workshop sessions.
USAID expects that all organizations’ chosen participants in this workshop will have subject matter expertise and a good understanding of Uganda’s decentralization context, and regional development prospects.
In addition, the participants should also have the authority to make decisions on behalf of their organizations such as forming new partnerships, etc.
To register to participate, applicants must email Ms.
Anita Mbaziira at and Tanya Ahmady at the aforementioned concept note and the names and titles of a maximum of TWO (2) representatives from each organization.
The email transmitting this information must reference the program title in the subject line.
The deadline for receipt of the concept note and representative nomination is October 5, 2020, 3:00 pm, Kampala local time.
A detailed workshop agenda will be shared with all selected applicants prior to the workshop.Please note that USAID reserves the right to award multiple awards or no awards through the Local Priorities and Partnership Activity and an invitation to co-creation does not guarantee that any award will be made.Thank you for your interest in USAID programs.
Your input is important for ensuring the sound design of USAID-funded Local Priorities and Partnerships Activity.