This program supports the USG Foreign Assistance Objective “Investing in People,” the USAID/Tanzania’s Strategic Objective “Enhanced Multi-Sectoral HIV/AIDS Response in Tanzania,” and Program Element “Community Care for PLHA.” The primary goal of USG assistance in these areas
is to improve community care and support for people infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
Economic strengthening for vulnerable households will result in increased capacity of households to access social services, and protect vulnerable householdÂ’s members, OVCs in particular.
This is critical to graduating individuals from direct PEPFAR assistance for basic needs.
This program also links to the USG Foreign Assistance Objective “Economic Growth”, specifically the “Economic Opportunity” Program Area, by supporting and linking vulnerable households with stabilized household income and consumption to conventional economic growth interventions.
The overarching GOAL of this activity is to improve the effectiveness of economic strengthening approaches to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on vulnerable households in Tanzania.
Expected household-level OUTCOMES include:
Increased household assets and use of self-insurance mechanisms 2.
Stabilized household income 3.
Stabilized household consumption and managed cash flow 4.
Expanded household income and consumption