The Support for Adam Walsh Act (AWA) Implementation Grant Program assists jurisdictions with developing and/or enhancing programs designed to implement the requirements of SORNA.
In summary, SORNA requires:
(1) all States, the District of Columbia, the principal U.
and participating federally-recognized Indian tribes to maintain a sex offender registry; and (2) sex offenders to register and maintain a current registration in each jurisdiction where the offender resides, is an employee, or is a student.
SORNA also sets forth requirements for jurisdictions' to include:
specified required information, the applicable frequency and duration of registration, participation in the National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW), and utilization of the SORNA Exchange Portal.
This year's solicitation will focus on three categories:
1)maintaining and enhancing SORNA substantial implementation in states, territories and tribal jurisdictions; 2)support for SORNA activities in counties in implemented states; and 3)support for implementation and integration of the Sex Offender Registry Tool (SORT).