The United States Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA) announces a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to support a gender-based violence prevention (GBV) project focused on GBV in Ecuador’s education system.
Subject to availability of funds, WHA intends
to issue one award of up to $641,975 in FY 2019 Economic Support Funds for a project period of up to two (2) years.
The anticipated start date for this activity is September 202 0.
Grant funds cannot directly assist or support GBV survivors; rather grant funds should support the government of Ecuador and civil society to improve access to services and response to sexual violence and harassment in society, particularly in the educational system.
The $641,975 is attributed to a global U.
Department of State congressional GBV earmark, and supports the U.
Department of State and the Administration’s Women Peace and Security (WPS) Policy Outcomes 2 and 3 and the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity(W-GDP) Initiative Pillar 3.