Global instability and violent extremism threaten U.
and global security.
The U.
WPS Act of 2017, further expanded upon by the U.
Strategy on WPS, have identified women’s leadership and participation as crucial to sustainable peace and
Promoting women’s meaningful inclusion and participation across efforts to prevent conflict and build peace is not simply a women’s issue; it is a national security issue and vital for human progress.
Though women provide essential contributions to lasting solutions to conflict, terrorism, and crisis, their perspectives and leadership are often absent from places where decisions are made about their countries’ and communities’ future.
In addition, violence against women and girls remain pervasive before, during, and after conflicts – which prolongs conflict and inhibits the meaningful participation of women in political and security processes.
A growing body of evidence demonstrates that women are partners we cannot afford to ignore, as their participation leads to better outcomes not only for women, but also for entire societies.
S/GWI programs are flexible, civil society-focused, and global in reach.
They incubate civil-society based solutions, inspiring and providing best practices to the Department to advance women’s empowerment as a keystone of U.
foreign policy.
S/GWI does not fund large-scale programs or long-term development work, but instead engages in the short-term practical realization of U.
foreign policy.
S/GWI seeks applicants whose work fosters women’s leadership in preventing and mitigating conflict by making decision-making more reflective of and responsive to the needs and perspectives of conflict-affected women and girls.
S/GWI will analyze this program to inform other USG partnerships and to better integrate gender equality and empowering women and girls across the Department, thereby enhancing effectiveness and maximizing taxpayer investments in U.
foreign policy.