The Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues (S/GWI) announces this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for a new agreement to advance U.
national security priorities with work that will support women and girls who are at risk from violent extremism and conflict.
/>Under this NOFO, S/GWI seeks proposals that will address the needs of women and girls adversely impacted by violent extremism and conflict and support women's leadership in countering violent extremism.
This NOFO aims to support women and girls currently in host communities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
S/GWI seeks to ensure the integration of gender equality and the advancement of women and girls in the formulation and conduct of U.
foreign policy.
In doing so, S/GWI follows the National Security Strategy (NSS) mandate to champion the American value of empowering women and youth.
Partners selected under this NOFO will be the cornerstone of S/GWI's implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (WPS Act) and Strategy to Support Women and Girls at Risk from Violent Extremism and Conflict (SWGRVEC).
Proposals may work in one or more countries in MENA.
S/GWI Goal To enhance and expand women and girls' participation and leadership in preventing, countering, and recovering from violent extremism and conflict.
S/GWI Objectives 1) Individuals:
Support women and girls in building resilience to and recovering from violent extremism.
2) Community:
Foster community resilience to violent extremist influence by increasing women and girls' engagement in their families, communities, and governments.
3) Coalitions:
Empower women and girls to advocate for and safeguard their rights by countering violent extremism.