Based on funding availability, this program will support a minimum of 10 Afghan students to obtain undergraduate degrees at an American-style, liberal arts, co-educational or women-only, English language-based institution of higher learning outside Afghanistan.
The scholarships will be awarded
exclusively to female Afghan high school graduates and female and/or male high school graduates who are alumni of U.
Embassy programs.
PAS intends to issue an award for a period of 48-60 months, with the students beginning their studies during the 2018-2019 academic year.
Most American-style undergraduate programs require four years of instruction for a student to achieve an undergraduate degree; this is PAS’s preferred timetable.
However, PAS will also consider proposals that include scholarships for up to five years – including one year of pre-academic instruction (if needed) and four years of academic study pursuant to an undergraduate degree.
The year of pre-academic study would prepare students for academic and personal success, including an assessment of academic skills, remedial studies as needed, local language training, and familiarization with the host country.