Funds may be used to:
Evaluate current landfill conditions to determine threats to water resources in rural areas; provide technical assistance and/or training to enhance operator skills in the maintenance and operation of active landfills in rural areas; provide technical assistance and/or training
to help associations reduce the solid waste stream; and provide technical assistance and/or training for operators of landfills in rural areas which are closed or will be closed in the near future with the development and implementation of closure plans, future land use plans, safety and maintenance planning, and closure scheduling within permit requirements.
Grant funds may not be used to:
1)Recruit applications for other loan and/or grant programs; 2)duplicate current services such as those performed by a consultant in developing a project; 3)fund political activities; 4)pay for capital assets, purchase real estate or vehicles, improve and renovate office space, or repair and maintain privately owned property; 5) pay for construction, or O&M costs; and 6)pay for costs incurred prior to effective date of grant.
Agency: Department of Agriculture
Estimated Funding: $3,400,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Solid Waste Managment Grant Program Information
Additional Information of Eligibility:An organization is eligible to receive a SWM grant if it: a.
Is a private, non-profit organization that has tax-exempt status from the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS); b.
Is a Public body; c.
Is a federally acknowledged or State-recognized Native American tribe or group; or d.
Is an Academic Institution.
Entitites must be established and legally located within a state as defined in 1775.2.
Organizations must be incorporated by December 31 of the year the application period occurs to be eligible for funds.
Private businesses, Federal agencies, and individuals are ineligible for these grants.
Applicants must also have the proven ability, background, experience, as evidenced by the organization's satisfactory completion of projects similar to those proposed; legal authority; and actual capacity to provide technical assistance and/or training on a regional basis to associations as provided in 1775.63.
To meet requirements of actual capacity, an applicant must either: 1)have necessary resources to provide technical assistance and/or training to associations in rural areas through its staff, or 2)be assisted by an affiliate or member organization which has such background and experience and which agrees, in writing, that it will provide the assistance, or 3) contract with a nonaffiliated organization for not more than 49 percent of the grant to provide the proposed assistance.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact: Agency Email Description: Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2012-11-26
Application Due Date: 2012-12-31
Archive Date: 2013-01-31