USAID is making a special call for the submission of Concept Papers focused on advancing the success and achieving the goals of Power Africa.
More specifically, Power Africa , USAID’s Bureau for Africa, and other offices within USAID/Washington, and USAID Missions in sub-Saharan Africa
countries, are seeking to engage with interested parties to develop activities or projects that can pool funds, talent, and resources from USAID, other government agencies, and private sector partners to support Power Africa.
It is envisioned that alliances formed under this Power Africa Addendum to the GDA APS will focus primarily on the following programmatic areas:
Financing Strategies for Power Production 2.
Late Stage Power Sector Transaction Support 3.
Small-Scale Power Projects and Rural Electrification/Mini-Grids Support 4.
Power Sector Regulatory and Institutional Strengthening and Policy Reform 5.
Power Sector Training, Mentoring, Networking and Internships 6.
Power Sector Risk Mitigation Strategies 7.
Development or Piloting of Innovative Energy Technologies This Power Africa APS Addendum is designed to catalyze, facilitate and support such collaboration with the private sector and other key development partners which will further Power Africa’s goals.
The GDAs formed as a result of this Addendum are envisioned to be inclusive of multiple partners, i.e., businesses, universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government institutions, foundations, who are working within sub-Saharan Africa.
The GDAs are also envisioned to serve as a way to enable programmatic coordination across many organizations that are involved in facilitating the generation of new power sources.