Hamro Samman will build on the successes of USAID/Nepal’s current Combating-Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) project to improve sustainability and further strengthen Nepali institutions to address trafficking.
Hamro Samman will support the GON, CSOs, and the private sector to further develop
a sustainable ecosystem that provides a secure and enabling environment to reduce instances of TIP, protect the rights of exploited and vulnerable, and prosecute cases of human trafficking.
Hamro Samman also will continue to emphasize a rights-based approach in supporting innovative activities and building upon successes of past USAID-funded, GON, CSO and other donors’ activities in Nepal.
The three Hamro Samman objectives are:
Strengthened national and local GON efforts to combat TIP 2.
Improved CSO advocacy and engagement to address TIP 3.
Increased private sector partnerships to service TIP survivors and at-risk populations