The Economic Research Service (ERS) is accepting economic research proposals in two broad research areas of importance to the U.
Department of AgricultureÂ’s (USDA) invasive species policies and programs.
The ERS program focuses on national decisionmaking related to invasive
species of agricultural significance or ones that are affecting or are affected by USDA programs.
The term “invasive species” is applied broadly to include any vertebrate, invertebrate, weed, fungus, plant disease, animal or livestock disease, or other organism that:
1) Is nonnative, alien, or exotic to the ecosystem where it exists or potentially could be introduced—including agricultural, range, and forest ecosystems; and 2) When introduced causes, or is likely to cause, economic or environmental harm.
Proposals should focus on applied economic research that has direct implications for USDA policies and programs for protection from, control/management of, regulation concerning, or trade policy relating to invasive species.
Fiscal 2008 competitive funding is anticipated to be approximately $750,00 0.