Embassy Canberra announces an open competition for U.
organizations interested in submitting proposals to organize a comprehensive program designed to provide emerging Pacific leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to become leaders in the region’s
economic and civic development.
As a Pacific nation, the United States has long been committed to working with partners in the region to ensure continued regional security, as well as economic growth and development.
This program for young leaders in the Pacific will create ties across the Pacific to ensure that we are better prepared to address challenges together in the future.
The State Department has convened a Pacific Youth Conference each year for the past four years, taking place in American Samoa, Samoa, New Zealand, and Hawaii, all with the goal of building leadership capacity and creating ties among emerging leaders from across the South Pacific region (see below for a list of participating countries).
This year, the conference should draw upon the experience of alumni from these prior conferences, with the goal of growing their network and enabling Pacific youth to work with their peers on issues that affect the region.
For complete NOFO details and application materials, please see "Related Documents" and "Package List"