The U.
Consulate General Sapporo is accepting applications for small grants to individuals or organizations to lead an English education program with American cultural content at the Public Affairs Section at the Consulate, located in the Maruyama suburb of Sapporo, Hokkaido.
/>Contingent on the availability of funds, the U.
Consulate General Sapporo will award multiple grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 to fund a series of events to promote English language education, introduce American culture, and/or to encourage future travel and study in the United States.
To promote English language, we ask that at least one native-level American English speaker is involved in the proposed activities as a discussion group leader, but that native level speaker does not need to be a U.
Proposed activities might include American film screenings, book club discussion groups, guest speakers, musical programs, or the applicant may propose an alternative model.
Sessions can be held monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly on or after October 15, 2020 for a minimum six month and maximum two-year period.
Sessions may be hosted on-line but preference will be given to in-person gatherings held in the Public Affairs Section of the U.
Consulate General in Sapporo.
Sessions must be open to the public and cannot be commercial, trade or charitable activities.
No for-profit organizations can receive funding through these awards.
If awarded, the Grantee will be responsible for coordinating the schedule with the PAS Sapporo. The application should include a proposed activity plan; an audience recruitment plan; and a line-item budget with anticipated programming costs such as honoraria, transportation fees for organizers and guest speakers, and materials and copier fees for publicizing event.
Proposals will be evaluated on their potential to effectively promote English language, U.
culture, and U.
study abroad or travel and tourism, with particular attention on incorporating new audiences for engagement.
This annual notice of funding opportunities outlines our funding priorities and areas of interest, as well as procedures for submitting requests for funding.
Please note that this notice supplements specific notices of funding opportunities that may be posted both here and on other relevant sites throughout the year.
Any organization or individual interested in applying for funding should carefully follow all instructions.