This program seeks to work with recognized women leaders in Argentine labor unions who are laying the groundwork for more active political and economic participation of women in Argentina.
These women will serve as “mentors” for young female union delegates from across the country,
who will receive training from local and U.
experts and will potentially travel to the U.
to talk to peers, build networks, and learn of successful business models to advance economic prosperity of the country.
Embassy Buenos Aires would like to support the modernization of operations in Argentine labor unions while ensuring that women are politically empowered to engage in their institutional strengthening.
Specifically, this program seeks to build capacity among young and rising women leaders in labor unions to institutionalize democratic concepts and best practices in union administration by developing their leadership skills and exposing them to U.
models of women’s political empowerment and public policy.
The Embassy will provide the names of the women leaders and delegates that participate in the sessions, along with suggested speakers and topics for discussion.
The Embassy also envisions that the women leaders from this program will link up with their counterparts involved in Embassy programs in the Argentine Congress, Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI), and the American Chamber of Commerce in Buenos Aires and Cordoba, among others, for networking opportunities.
This program will expand for up to three years from design to final reporting.
It will be complemented by a follow-on program designed in partnership with Meridian International Center that will include travel to the United States to talk to U.
peers, build networks, and learn of successful U.
business models.
The Embassy together with the grantee will select up to ten program participants to take part of this follow-on component.
A nation-wide approach means the grantee will need to include up to 60 participants from across the country.
The grantee will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing the different stages of this program in consultation with the U.
Embassy in Argentina.
It will also be in charge of managing the budget and reporting.
The program must include meetings, immersive experiences, brainstorming sessions, workshops, and training opportunities.
The program may also include virtual consultations and visits by U.