OVC recognizes that federal, state, local, and tribal government and organizations must become better prepared and equipped to appropriately plan for, respond to, and fully support victims and communities affected by mass violence.
The goal of this solicitation is to establish a Mass Violence
Working collaboratively with OVC, the successful applicant will develop a national victim-centric framework, applicable to various jurisdictions, which addresses best practices in preparing for and responding to incidents of mass violence and domestic terrorism through training and technical assistance, identifying/creating best practices, and expanding expertise in this field
Agency: Department of Justice
Office: Office of Justice Programs
Estimated Funding: $18,000,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Funding Opportunity
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligible applicants are limited to institutions of higher education (including tribal institutions of higher education), and nonprofit and for-profit organizations (including tribal nonprofit and for-profit organizations).
For-profit organizations (as well as other recipients) must forgo any profit or management fees.
Applicants must demonstrate the knowledge and experience necessary to identify and work collaboratively with key stakeholders at the national, tribal, regional, state, and local levels to develop tools and strategies, engage communities and the nation, and build the capacity to support victims affected by mass violence.
This will be accomplished through planning, training and technical assistance (TTA), research, specialized expertise, etc.
The applicant must also demonstrate an ability to oversee and manage a large-scale national effort, including the ability to recruit and manage project staff (including consultants, as relevant).
All activities will be conducted in collaboration with OVC.
OVC welcomes applications under which two or more entities would carry out the federal award; however, only one entity may be the applicant.
Any others must be proposed as subrecipients (“subgrantees").
The applicant must be the entity that would have primary responsibility for carrying out the award, including administering the funding and managing the entire project.
Under this solicitation, only one application by any particular applicant entity will be considered.
An entity may, however, be proposed as a subrecipient (“subgrantee”) in more than one application.
OVC may elect to fund applications submitted under this FY 2017 solicitation in future fiscal years, dependent on, among other considerations, the merit of the applications and on the availability of appropriations.
Full Opportunity Web Address:https://ovc.ncjrs.gov/Solicitation.aspxContact: For assistance with any other requirements of this solicitation, contact Eugenia Pedley, Program Manager by email at eugenia.pedley@ojp.usdoj.gov. eugenia.pedley@ojp.usdoj.gov
Agency Email Description: For Programmatic Questions
Agency Email: eugenia.pedley@ojp.usdoj.gov
Date Posted: 2017-06-26
Application Due Date: 2017-08-09
Archive Date: 2017-06-23