Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) Revision:A partial Sikes Act 5-Year revision was signed in February 201 4.
The NFE shall complete additional updates required to 1) convert the form into the new Air Force Electronic Management Plan (EMP) format and upload to the EMP site,
and 2) fill in historical information, 3) add information from recent studies and reports, 4) identify and include other general updates that were not accomplished in 201 4.
• The NFE shall provide biological support for a complete update of the INRMP, gaining regulatory signatures, providing support and attending an Annual Meeting, and developing a revised INRMP utilizing Air Force template • Support the installation in coordination of the plan with the base users, local stakeholders, regulatory agencies, and the AFCEC Barksdale ISS to make necessary changes and updates to the species information, goals and objectives, and project work plans in the INRMP.
• Prepare paperwork, submit update to two regulatory agencies (U.
Fish and Wildlife and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks) for review, and attend two meetings with said regulatory agencies.
10 Months