The National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office (Fisheries Southeast Regional Office) is seeking proposals under the Gulf of Mexico B-WET Program (
The Gulf of Mexico B-WET program is a competitive, environmental education,
grants program that promotes locally relevant, experiential learning in the K-12 environment.
Funded projects provide Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) for students, related professional development for teachers, and help to support regional education and environmental priorities in the Gulf of Mexico.
This program addresses NOAA's Long-Term Goal of "Healthy Oceans:
Marine fisheries, habitats, and biodiversity are sustained within healthy and productive ecosystems" and "NOAA's Engagement Enterprise Objective for An engaged and educated public with an improved capacity to make scientifically informed environmental decisions".
Agency: Department of Commerce
Estimated Funding: $600,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligible applicants are K-12 public and independent schools and school systems, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, state or local government agencies, interstate agencies, and Indian tribal governments.
Federal agencies are not allowed to receive funds under this announcement but may serve as collaborative project partners and may contribute services in kind.
Applicants may be physically located in any U. S. state; however, education projects must target teachers and/or students in Gulf of Mexico coastal counties, which are listed on page 48-49 of the following document: National Ocean Service, NOAA.
The Gulf of Mexico at a Glance: A Second Glance.
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce,
Additionally, priority will be given to applicants who 1) show prior experience in working in the Gulf of Mexico region, 2) show prior experience with Gulf of Mexico regional issues, or 3) demonstrate partnerships with local organizations in the Gulf of Mexico region on proposed projects.
The Department of Commerce/NOAA is strongly committed to broadening the participation of historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions, tribal colleges and universities, and institutions that work in underserved areas.
The NOAA B-WET program encourages proposals involving any of the above institutions as well as other organizations that work with underserved or underrepresented audiences.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact: Agency Email Description: Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2017-08-24
Application Due Date: 2017-11-03
Archive Date: 2017-12-03