This is modification 1 to the synopsis entitled," Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration Missions", NNJ12ZSA002NA, which was posted on July 16, 201 2.
You are notified that the following changes are made:
This synopsis is canceled
in its entirety and being reissued as NNJ12ZSA002N.
This is not an extension.
Documents related to this procurement will be available over the Internet.
These documents will reside on a World Wide Web (WWW) server, which may be accessed using a WWW browser application.
The Internet site, or URL, for the NASA/JSC Business Opportunities home page is Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of the solicitation and any amendments.
Potential offerors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any).
Related ProgramsExploration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration