The 911 Grant Program provides Federal funding to grantees to help 911 call centers nationwide upgrade equipment and operations so that citizens, first responders, and 911 call-takers can use digital, IP-based, broadband-enabled technologies to coordinate emergency responses.
The 911 Grant
Program application is a two-step process.
Step 1:
Applicants must identify a designated 911 coordination.
In addition, applicants must submit the certification in either Appendix A or Appendix B of the NOFO signed by the 911 Coordinator, certifying that the applicant has complied with the required statutory and programmatic conditions in submitting its application, including the statutory non-diversion requirement.
Specific information can be found in the NOFO.
After receipt of the initial applications, the Agencies will publish preliminary funding allocations for each of the States or Tribal Organizations meeting the certification requirements on
Step 2:
After the Agencies publish the preliminary funding allocations, eligible applicants must submit a complete application packet by the deadline established on