STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP IN GUATEMALA USAID/Guatemala’s Health and Education Office (HEO) oversees health and nutrition projects that work in five target departments (Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapán, Quiché and San Marcos) in Guatemala’s Western Highlands.
USAID/Guatemala is consulting with stakeholders about the principal health and nutrition needs in the Western Highlands.
In this context, Mission staff with USAID/Washington assistance carried out a series of stakeholder interviews in the Western Highlands as well as in Guatemala City to inform its decisions as to where – and in what directions - its current and future programs should go.
To ensure that current and future HEO projects address the greatest needs in the nutrition and health sector, HEO is organizing a Stakeholder Consultative Workshop that will take place on May 31, 2017 in Guatemala City.
The overarching purpose of this workshop is to validate the results of interviews conducted with different stakeholders.
Stakeholders attending the workshop will include individuals interviewed and other health experts from throughout the Guatemalan health sector.
USAID staff will present the global context that shapes the Agency’s approaches to inform the workshop’s discussions.
The workshop will help HEO:
1) Validate that interviews accurately captured stakeholders’ opinions and ideas about where and how USAID should focus its future nutrition and health activities; 2) Ensure that proposed interventions are feasible within the Guatemalan context; and 3) Ensure alignment with USAID high impact practices.
Please respond to this notice by Thursday, May 25, 2017, 7:00 a.m.
Guatemala time at email address.
Up to two representatives from each organization should attend.
If your organization already received a personal invitation to the workshop from USAID/Guatemala, then you should not respond in response to this notice.
USAID/Guatemala will provide the exact location, day and time of the workshop to those that respond to this notice.