Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) funds are used to improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement through training and technical assistance, demonstration projects, and implementation of promising practices related to peer mentoring
mental health and wellness programs.
The 2020 LEMHWA program will fund projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using peer mentoring programs.
The COPS Office, a federal provider of innovative, customer-focused resources that address the continuing and emerging needs of those engaged in enhancing public safety through community policing, has designed the LEMHWA solicitation to address law enforcement mental health and wellness.
The 2020 LEMHWA program has been established to fund specific projects related to the following topic areas:
(1) Peer Support Implementation Projects; (2) National Peer Support Program for Small and Rural Agencies; (3) LEMHWA Coordinator Assistance Provider, and (4) Invitational Applications.
Detailed descriptions of each of these topics are available in the application guide.
There is up to $4,300,000 million in LEMHWA funds available.
All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.
Funding is limited, and it is expected that this solicitation will be very competitive.
Each award or cooperative agreement is two years (24 months) in length.
There is no local match.
Each award will be in the form of a cooperative agreement, the funding instrument used for substantial federal involvement.