The INL office at the U.
Embassy in Liberia is partnering with the Liberia National Police (LNP) to build national police communications capacity.
Effective policing requires that the police serve and protect the community, collaborating directly with residents to improve
safety and security.
In serving the public, police must be as transparent as possible in all their dealings.
Transparency requires responsive, effective, and timely communications with both internal and external audiences.
Communication with the public must be an open, two-way channel where the police share information with the community and the community has enough confidence in the police to share information with them.
This project would thus involve providing assistance to the LNP, including to the Press and Public Affairs Department, in updating communication methods, assessing how Liberians receive news and information and the associated levels of trust, and upgrading the public communications strategy so that the LNP can improve direct communication with the public and through the news media.