The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) cooperative agreement is to further IHS’s mission and goals related to providing quality health care to the American Indian / Alaska Native community through outreach and education efforts with a focus on improving Indian health care, promoting awareness,
visibility, advocacy, training, technical assistance, and education efforts.
This program includes the following seven components, as described in this announcement:
“Line Item 128 Health Education and Outreach funds;” “Health Care Policy Analysis and Review;” “Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention (SASP) program,” formerly known as the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative; “Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) program,” formerly known as the Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative – national awareness, visibility, advocacy, outreach and education award; the “Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)” outreach and education; the “Special Diabetes Program for Indians” (SDPI); the “Affordable Care Act (ACA)”; and the “Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA).”