The objectives of the Lifespan Respite Technical Assistance and Resource Center (TARC) is to provide technical assistance to the Lifespan Respite Program grantees and the field.
The primary objectives of this funding opportunity are:
(1) further identify, develop, and disseminate training
and TA resources to ACL's Lifespan Respite Program grantees (past, present and future) that address the role of respite as a means to supporting families in their own development of natural supports; (2) strengthen the national capacities at the federal, state and local levels to provide respite services as an essential family support across the age and disability spectrum; and (3) support activities and innovations to develop an evidence base for respite care and related services.
The Lifespan Respite Care Program is intended to serve families and family caregivers of persons of any age with a disability, long-term or special need.
As such, the TARC is expected to support Lifespan Respite Program grantees (i.g., eligible state agencies) and relevant stakeholders (e.g., respite coalitions, service providers, and other organizations key to the implementation of a successful state lifespan respite program) as they work to fulfill the requirements of their ACL-funded Lifespan Respite Care Program grants and other related activities as described in D-1, above.
Over the course of this project, the TARC is expected to undertake activities that are directly in-line with the intent of the Lifespan Respite Care Act and that seek to advance the field of family and caregiver support, with improving the capacity at the federal, state and local levels to provide respite services.