The Lifespan Respite Care Program’s goals and objectives closely align with ACL’s mission and build on the capacities developed by the ADRC initiative to reach across population boundaries and serve numerous populations efficiently and effectively.
The grantee shall use grant funds
for planning, establishing and expanding/enhancing Lifespan Respite Care systems in the states, including new and planned emergency respite services, training and recruiting respite workers and volunteers and assisting caregivers with gaining access to needed services.
Authorized by Congress in 2006, the Lifespan Respite Care Program promotes the development of coordinated systems of accessible, community-based respite care services for family caregivers of children or adults of all ages with special needs.
Such systems bring together Federal, state and local resources and funding streams to help support, expand and streamline the delivery of planned and emergency respite services, provider recruitment and training, caregiver training and empowerment, and delivery of gap-filling respite services.
Target populations for this program are family caregivers of individuals with chronic or long-term needs across the age and disability spectrum.
Grantees will be expected to use funds to plan, establish and expand/enhance Lifespan Respite Care systems in their states, including new and planned emergency respite services, training and recruiting respite workers and volunteers and assisting caregivers with gaining access to needed services.
Grantees must provide the following required services:
(1) Development and enhancement of lifespan respite care at the State and local levels; (2) The provision of respite care services for family caregivers caring for children or adults; (3) Training and recruiting of respite care workers and volunteers; (4) The provision of information to caregivers about available respite and support services; and (5) Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to such services.
Additionally, grantees may use funds to develop a range of optional services, including:
(1) Training programs for family caregivers to assist family caregivers in making informed decisions about respite care services; (2) Other services essential to the provision of respite care as may be specified by ACL; or (3) Training and education for new caregivers.
Grantees will be expected to establish and describe measurable performance goals, including indicators to track progress on those goals.
Applicants will be given examples of performance goals and indicators based on the objectives of the Lifespan Respite Care Act.
Grantees will be required to participate in regular meetings and teleconferences with the ACL Project Officer to review project developments and accomplishments and to discuss future project goals.
The expectations described within the funding opportunity announcement will be consistent with ACL/AoA’s previous lifespan respite program awards to new states.