The Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces the availability of funds for a cooperative agreement for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Performance Management Technical Assistance (PMTA) funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
Since 2016, cooperative agreements supported by OCS funded the development of the CSBG Performance Management Framework including revised National Performance Indicators and a new automated Annual Report.
The CSBG Performance Management Framework also includes Organizational Standards for eligible entities, Federal Accountability Measures, State Accountability Measures, and Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA).
These elements were designed to increase effectiveness and accountability across all levels of the CSBG network (federal, state, and local), and to generate more robust results for the individuals, families, and communities that OCS serves.
This new three-year FOA will support the continuous improvement of the CSBG Performance Management Framework.
Recent enhancements and revisions to ROMA and the Annual Report required revisions to reporting forms and changes in current reporting systems and/or the development of new reporting systems for states and eligible entities.
The grantee under this cooperative agreement will be responsible for identifying and prioritizing the training needs of the CSBG network, and providing T/TA to the CSBG network to continue the seamless transition to the new reporting systems and any updates made to these formats.
This includes providing T/A to states on the submission and use of data for ROMA, reporting purposes, and to encourage a culture of success, transparency, and partnerships.
Additionally, this grant will enable OCS to continue meeting its responsibilities to report to Congress annually on CSBG activities and accomplishments as outlined in 42 U.S.C § 9917(b) of the CSBG Act.
This includes conducting a national aggregation and analysis of data in order to assist in the development of an annual report to Congress.
Over the three-year period, the grantee will provide quality assurance assistance for a public-facing website maintained by OCS.
The public-facing website will allow grantees, and the general public, access to information regarding CSBG expenditures, activities, and outcomes.