ACL, CMS and VHA's long range vision is to have ADRC Options Counseling Programs fully operational and available to individuals in every community across the country.
Options Counselors provide individuals and their families with objective information on the full range of LTSS options
along with one-on-one help in understanding and accessing necessary services and service delivery options (e.g., self-direction, managed care) through a person-centered planning process.
It is ACL, CMS and VHA's expectation that the five key ADRC Options Counseling functions outlined below will be implemented statewide by the end of the 3-year project period under this funding opportunity.
The five key components of a fully developed ADRC Options Counseling Program include:
- ADRC Access Points - One-on-One Options Counseling - Streamlined Access to Public Programs - Person-Centered Transition Support - Quality Assurance