The U.
Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of funds in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 for the Over-the-Road Bus (OTRB) Accessibility Program, authorized by Section 3038 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
The OTRB Accessibility Program makes funds available to private operators of over-the-road buses to finance the incremental capital and training costs of complying with DOT's over-the-road bus accessibility regulation.
The authorizing legislation calls for national solicitation of applications, with grantees to be selected on a competitive basis.
Federal transit funds are available to intercity fixed-route providers and other OTRB providers at up to 90 percent of the project cost.
A total of $8,800,000 is now available for both intercity fixed-route and other providers of services using over-the-road buses.
Agency: DOT/Federal Transit Administration
Estimated Funding: $8,800,000
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:FR Volume 76, Number 134 (Wednesday, July 13, 2011)
Additional Information of Eligibility:Grants will be made directly to operators of OTRBs.
Intercity, fixed-route OTRB service providers may apply for the funds that were appropriated for intercity fixed-route providers in FY 2011.
Applicants must establish eligibility as intercity fixed-route providers by meeting established criteria on six factors identified in the application.
Other OTRB service providers, including operators of local fixed-route service, commuter service, and charter or tour service may apply for the funds that were appropriated in FY 2011 for these providers.
OTRB operators who provide both intercity, fixed-route service and another type of service, such as commuter, charter or tour, may apply for both categories of funds with a single application.
Private for-profit operators of over-the-road buses are eligible to be direct applicants for this program.
This is a departure from most other FTA programs for which the direct applicant must be a State or local public body.
FTA does not award grants to public entities under this program.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact: Agency Email Description: Agency Email:
Date Posted: 2011-07-13
Application Due Date: 2011-09-12
Archive Date: 2011-10-12