Countermeasures Assessment and Security Experts (CASE) was contracted by the Railroad Research Foundation (RRF) to complete the development of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Analytical Risk Model (H-TRAM) for Class II and Class III railroads.
H-TRAM was developed as a result of Grant
FR-SEC-0008-12-01-02 issued to the RRF.
H-TRAM is a web-based Software for a service risk reduction decision support tool for compliance with 49 CFR 17 2. 82 0.
This new grant would allow for additional resources for the H-TRAM rail routing decision making.
The grantee (Countermeasures Assessment and Security Experts, LLC) plans to create a Help File, detailing how to setup and configure a rail route within H-TRAM; develop and implement web based training modules and webinars that the railroad industry could use for their initial understanding of how the system works; provide “Implementation Support,†including technical support for data configuration and set up, the operation of a call in capability where questions could be answered and if any technical problems surface a person could help the railroad through the corrections; and outreach activities to promote availability of The H-TRAM program.