Identify an international expert in railway suidcides to provide background support regarding issues associated with suicide on railroad rights-of-way, including but not limited to support for the upcoming Working Group Meeting of International Experts on Suicide on Railroad Rights-of-Way, scheduled
for January 2014 at the Transportation Research Board Annual Conference in Washington DC.
The expert will:
1) review and provide supplemental supporting materials for the agenda for the working group meeting, 2) review and comment on presentations and other materials submitted by meeting participants, 3) provide detailed edits and comments on the final reports issued from the meeting, 4) participate in follow-up conference calls as needed, and 5) contribute and provide recommendations for the development of next steps in moving the suicide prevention effort forward with an international perspective, including the exploration and possible broad scale use o f the UK Ovenstone Criteria to determine cause of death in right-of-way fatalities.