This notice details the application requirements and procedures to obtain grant funding for eligible projects under the Law Enforcement Strategies for Reducing Trespassing Pilot Grant Program.
FRA is initiating a Pilot Grant Program to benefit communities that are at high risk for rail trespassing
related incidents and casualties.
The objective of this program is to research the effectiveness of funding law enforcement agencies various activities aimed at reducing trespassing on the rail rights of way in developing an effective safety program.
Under this program, FRA will issue a competitive grant to law enforcement agencies for the purposes of implementing enforcement activities aimed at reducing trespassing along the rail ROW.
Agencies selected to receive funding will perform rail trespassing enforcement related activities and report on those activities to FRA.
The activities performed through the Pilot Grant Program and their benefits will help determine whether funding directed at law enforcement agencies for rail trespass prevention activities is effective in reducing rail trespassing incidents and casualties.