Pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Public Law No.
113-76, January 17, 2014), the Federal Railroad Administration is to make available to Amtrak $989,750,000 ($1,050,000,000 less $5,250,000 for FRA holdbacks), to cover Capital and Debt Service expenses, subject to the availability
of funds.
In order to receive these funds, Amtrak must complete the grant application and submit the following items electronically:
Cover Letter; Application for Federal Assistance SF-424; SF-424D Assurances for Construction Programs; signed copies of the U.
Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Assurances and Certification forms (http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/admin/assurancesandcertifications.pdf); FY14 Capital Program Scopes by Project; FY14 Capital Budget by Program; and Debt Service Data by month for FY1 4.