Grant making authority for the Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII) is contained in the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training Act of 1983 (22 U.S.C.
4501-4508, as amended).
Congress determined that independently verified factual knowledge about the countries of Eastern Europe and Eurasia is critical to the national security of the United States, the furtherance of its national interests in the conduct of foreign relations, and the prudent management of its domestic affairs.
Congress further concluded that providing a stable and dedicated source of financial support for Title VIII functions supplementing other Federal, State, local, regional, and private sector funding is critical to maintaining this important research and training on a long-term, national scale.
The development and maintenance of U.
expertise on these regions depends upon a national capability for advanced research by highly trained specialists with in-country experience.
These specialists are a national resource available for service in and out of Government.
In order to guarantee the existence of that knowledge and the capability to sustain it, certain essential functions are necessary, including:
graduate training; b.
advanced research; c.
public dissemination of research data, methods, and findings; d.
contact and collaboration among Government and private specialists; and e.
American specialists? firsthand experience of the countries of Eastern Europe and Eurasia, including on-site advanced training and research to the extent practicable.
For further information or to arrange a consultation, please contact