The US Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground Natick Contracting Division, Fort Detrick, invites applications for funding opportunities for the fiscal year 2019 Deployed War Fighter Protection (DWFP) Research Program, renewable for up to 3 years, administered by the Armed Forces Pest Management
Board (AFPMB).
The AFPMB is soliciting pre-proposals for original, innovative research designed to develop new interventions for protection of deployed military personnel from diseases caused by arthropod-borne pathogens.
Diseases of significant concern include Lyme disease, malaria, dengue virus and other arboviruses.
The program supports development of:
(1) new toxicants or the adaptation of existing toxicants to relevant vectors; (2) new insecticide application techniques; and (3) new personal protection tools that prevent human-vector contact.
Ideally the research would support the Advanced Technology Development (i.e.
DoD RDT&E “Budget Activity 3” in the DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 2B, Chapter 5) of new insecticides, or improved formulations of existing insecticides for vector control, new technology or enhanced modalities of personal protection from biting arthropods, or would improve the efficacy and sustainability of equipment for application of pesticides for vector control in a military operational environment.
Research should be product-oriented, consisting of advanced research related to a particular technology or new capability, field evaluation of products for military uses, or research directed towards the development of an existing prototype product for commercial manufacture.
Research should not include testing and evaluation of commercial products or modifying commercial products for a new use.
Research should include the semifield or field evaluation of prototype products.
Any pesticides described in proposed research should be registered with the U.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or EPA registration must be intended for pesticides without current EPA registration.
The research must be primarily applicable to the military, and products should be transferable to civilian uses.
It is anticipated that approximately $4,500,000 will be awarded in FY19, with future years subject to the availability of funds.
The total proposed cost cannot exceed $300,000 per year for up to 3 years (total project maximum $900,000), inclusive of all direct and indirect costs.
Funding is intended to be provided in April 201 9.
Projects will be selected on the basis of peer reviewed scientific merit and programmatic relevance determined by a technical committee representing the Armed Forces Pest Management Board and Service components.
Pre-proposals will be accepted from investigators who are employed by or affiliated with an eligible institution.
Eligible institutions include for-profit, non-profit, public, and private organizations in any country.
Examples include universities, hospitals, laboratories, companies, and agencies of local, state government.
Federal Agencies may also respond to this request; however, federal requests will be processed in accordance with applicable regulations.
The preproposal package is available at
Follow the directions on the form for submission to the AFPMB webmaster.
Pre-proposal packages must be submitted no later than November 30, 2018 (11:59pm EST).
Late submissions will not be considered.
The estimated timeline for the FY19 DWFP Program is as follows:
November 30, 2018:
Deadline for pre-proposals Approx.
January 2, 2019:
Invitation to submit full proposals Approx.
February 13, 2019:
Deadline for full proposals Approx.
March 25, 2019:
Notification of acceptance for full proposals Approx.
April 2019:
Funds awarded Complete instructions for submitting full proposals will be provided separately in a formal notification.
Link to Full Announcement The above funding opportunity description is the full announcement.
The pre-proposal form is available at
If you have difficulty accessing the pre-proposal form, please contact the webmaster at
For technical and contextual questions, please contact Dr.
Gabriela Zollner (DWFP Program Manager) at
For grant-related questions, please contact Mr.
Richard Totten, Grants Officer, US Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Natick Contracting Division, Fort Detrick Branch.
Email address:
richard.w.totten 2.
Additional information may be found under Broad Agency Announcement AFPMB-BAA-19-01, found at http://www.
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