The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hereby requests applications for financial assistance to result in the award of one Cooperative Agreement (Agreement) to operate a national pedestrian and bicycle information center; conduct pedestrian and bicycle research, tracking, and technical assistance
activities, including safe and accessible roadway design, livability, equity, ladders of opportunity, and economics; and develop resources and provide technical support activities and research related to safety behaviors (pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists) to enhance the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists on our Nation’s roadways.
The national pedestrian and bicycle information center will support the U.
Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) efforts to promote an integrated, convenient, and safe transportation system for all users, with an emphasis on pedestrians and bicyclists.
The national information center will disseminate techniques and strategies for improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety, develop information and educational programs and products related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities, provide tracking and technical support to safety professionals at the State, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and local levels, and conduct research and technology activities for pedestrian and bicycle programs and activities.