The USAID/Mozambique Media Assistance Program seeks to support the professionalization and empowerment of independent media in Mozambique through a combined approach focusing on journalists and media outlets in the capital Maputo, and through complimentary assistance to community radio stations located
throughout the country.
While the needs of Maputo-based media and community radio stations differ greatly, the two play essential roles in the ecosystem of news and information in the country.
To support both segments of the Mozambican media, this program will focus on skills improvement to improve investigative journalism, foster debates and forums, institutional development, fostering linkages within the media and with other development programs.
Furthermore, the program will build the capacity of the media and other key organizations to analyze and advocate for policy reforms and promote oversight about government actions.
Ultimately, a more professional and effective media will work, regional, and national levels to inform citizens, hold the government accountable, and contribute to better governance.
Due to technical difficulties, if you would like to comment on the package please send me an E-mail at: or Thank you, James C.
Athanas, Office Director, Acquisition & Assistance Office, USAID Mozambique