Grant proposals should address one or morePublic Affairs priorities:
Arts, Culture, and Sports Programs:
should promote localcultural heritage, traditional and modern art forms, and other forms ofcreative expression and have a connection to American values or culture.
may support civilsociety organizations, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, oremerging leaders in these fields.
The aim of arts, culture and sports programsis to deepen ties between Kazakhstan and the U.
and improve understandingabout U.
culture and values.
Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Empowerment:
should develop innovative ideas involving STEAM, space, socialentrepreneurship, adaptive technologies, rural economic development, economicdiversification, women’s empowerment, corporate social responsibility, accessto finance, and support for entrepreneurs.
Media Strengthening:
Increasetransparency, media professionalism, access to diverse sources of news, andsavvy consumption of news.
Projects may develop Kazakh language media,fact-checking and research for journalists or media consumers, capitalize onsocial media use for greater transparency, and/or expand such programs beyondthe capital and secondary cities of Kazakhstan.
English Language Programs:
Projectsshould promote the use and spread of the English language through innovativeclubs, forums, social media, educational, and/or arts endeavors.
Fostering Regional Stability:
Projectsshould promote peace building, leadership development, youth and women’sempowerment, diversity and inclusion.
Such projects should strengthen tiesbetween the United States and Kazakhstan through academic arenas, arts andculture, civil society, and related programs.